28 February 2013


Stepping out of my comfort zone. Trying out new things.

It has already been 1 month since I entered ajc!!!!! Scary how time just flashed past us huh :(

Been looking at old photos and I realised that I'm spending lesser and lesser time with my close friends (04 girls, huihao and megan)
Today was also the first day we split into our PDGs to attend lectures and tutorials. Even though my classmates are all nice people but for now i still feel attached to my zora peeps and it just isnt the same :'(
lets hope i will build stronger bonds with both my og and pdg mates from today onwards! heres to new friendships! :)

And also I really hope that I'll be able to make time for my family and close friends in the midst of all these busy schedules and not make excuses for myself! JIAYOU


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