09 February 2013

Catch up session w friends!

I forgot to mention ytd! But went out w aud and tam for lunch ytd aft sch :) feels great to just sit down and talk about life with them! Super nostalgic going thru all the events in sec4 with them la! I MISS 404'12 :(

We ate at botejyu and awfully chocolate~ pamper ourselves HAHAHHA. It was so goooddddd ^_^ the ramen and the japanese pancake thingy(was it called okaks or sth? Don't rmb!!) was everything I was craving for... And the chocolate ice cream @ awfully choc was so rich *_* HAHAHA. Reliving the good times~ talked about jc life, guys, lower sec drama and the new ppl in our lives :P it's like we never run out of things to say to each other! When was the last time I had a real h2h Convo like that!! Hope there'll be an 04 girls outing soon before we all get really busy!

Anddddd pls let my new class be equally awesome! :)

Today is chu xi! Cheers to good food with the family, happy Chinese New Year everyone! BAKKWAAAA


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