18 December 2012

Update about life after o's :P

Hi guys haven't been here in ages! The last post was like in the midst of o's?
Haha it's been almost a month since o's ended! Have been up to lots of things but sometimes it can get really boring with like no aim to do anything and all :/

Kinda sad that so many plans the girls and I made before o's haven't been done yet. I hope we will really meet up soon! I miss everyone and 04 :(

AND WHY THE INTERVIEWER NV CALL ME AND MEGAN FOR THE JOB :(( HAHAHAHA speaking bout jobs, I already spent so much these hols. AHHHH I feel superrrr guilty. Partly cuz I don't even have an income and I spent so much. No doubt the money come from my savings but still.

Visited the dentist ytd! Hope to get started on braces soon! The sooner it starts the better right?


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