06 September 2012


"When you dream there's a chance you'll find, a little laughter, or happy ever after."
Hi! Finally bothered to make a post hahaha I'm really so lazy.
Even if I had the time I wouldn't think abt blogging -guilty-
AT LEAST I MADE ONE NOW. It's 1151 now and I can't sleep so here I'm.

It's the September holidays...and there's the second half of prelims next week.
Can't say I'm prepared for it but I'm not entirely unprepared either.
Been doing chemistry revision lately yay :) haven't done much ytd and today...
Literally spent half my day on the computer today,total waste of time.

Every time at night I'll just think about how much time I've wasted in the day and regret :( and I'll do it again the next day lol hais :( oh well. I must set my priorities right and make use of my time well! LET'S DO THIS :) goodnight all.


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