24 February 2012

just my thoughts

Hi!!! so this is my 1st post for 2012 hahaha i havent posted here for ages. gonna try to blog abt my thoughts and whatnot here whenever im free! Like today :) REALLY enjoyed myself today in sch and after.

Most of the cts are already over so yup! Really relaxed now. this week has been hell. stressing over deadlines, tests and homework. omgosh. And its only the beginning. i cant even imagine how i'll cope during prelim period and stuff. Hahah yea so the only thing i can do rn is to do my best and work hard! dwant any regrets! Lessons tdy were pretty slack, 3hrs of chatting doing homework and mainly slacking HAHA love my classmates. everyone seemed to be in a gd mood! & results so far still acceptable! thought i would fail for some, but..NO o_o weird.

anw for audeline: cheerup ok? Hope you're over it by now! this is just a small setback and its perfectly fine to be unhappy over it but dont dwell on it too much :)

oh and WTH ok em homework is really tedious and i did the whole workings and everything for mean and sd UNTIL I REALISED I COULD USE CALCULATOR. OMG WTHELL!!! dumbass moment HAHA

aft sch was pretty fun too! jess came and we welcomed her ofcuz! shes still the same funny girl i knew :) miss her in the class. but its OKAY WE'LL SEE HER VERY VERY SOON. i hope. :D

Afterwards was mac w ninny yf and sw. random chatter as usual~ followed by dinner w the usual group. heh
I HAD FUN. its good to be away from studies and school for awhile. Have to start revising for my incoming tests soon! sigh this cycle never ends lol

SPA NEXT WEEK. done our prac and put in hard work doing the repititive spa report for mr wong. it SHOULD pay off. Hahah ok I CAN DO IT. jiayou jiayou jiayou!


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